I found some bits and pieces on the web about how to build Mybb on a web server but thought it would be a good idea to document these for my own use and for others as you might see from my previous post that had phpbb working with worpress on ubuntu see here for instructions on how to do that.

Mybb is and open source forum platform more information forums ect is available here

Before we start you must have the LAMP stack installed on your server the LAMP stack which for those who don’t know is apache2, mysql and linux platform to produce scalable virtual private servers.

Go to yoursite/phpmyadmin and create a new database called forum then login to your server and enter

sudo su

Now we need to get the latest copy of Mybb by using these commands

wget http://www.mybb.com/download/latest

We now have a copy of Mybb but we need to move it to the correct place on our server
Please note you may need to install unzip if you have not installed already you will be prompted to install if the program is not present.

unzip latest

Move uploaded files NOTE IF YOU HAVE WORPRESS INSTALLED in /var/www CREATE AN EXTRA DIRECTORY IN var/www/forum

mv Upload/* /var/www

Move to that directory

 cd /var/www/

Move the files below

mv inc/config.default.php inc/config.php

Set the permissions for Mybb to work

chmod 666 inc/config.php inc/settings.php inc/languages/english/*.php inc/languages/english/admin/*.php
chmod 777 cache/ cache/themes/ uploads/avatars/ uploads/ admin/backups/ inc/languages

If all went well navigate to


Here you can see that you have all the correct requirements to run the forum.

mybb forum

mybb forum

Here you need to set your hostname and admins for the forum

Board config

Board config

Then complete the install by setting up the board configs.

Database setup

Database setup

Dont forget to delete the installation file by using filzilla or use these commands when logged in using root.

cd /var/www
rm -rf install

You should be good to go remeber if you install the forum in /var/www/forum you need to navigate to there to administer you board and remove the installation file.

  1. Tom 11 years ago

    We are looking for a web design in the Ipswich area and like your in depth knowledge of your technologies.

    • Author
      admin 7 years ago

      Yes no problem tom please get in touch be more than happy to help

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