I have talked a lot about the need for quality content and the consistent use of the keywords needed to achive the rankings that customers expect when thier websites go live so this blog post is for my clients hoping to achive higher rankings.

I must first point out like anything you cannot expect to be top of Google once your site is made live I do the webmasters part by making the site maps and submitting them to the search engines and verifying that the site is yours, but getting higher ranks I belive is about you wanting to inform your prsective customers about what you are doing week by week.

This may be a product that you think is good or a job you have completed it only takes a minute to wright a few lines with keywords like the ones I am using “web designers in Ipswich Suffolk” obviously  don’t mention them to much but there’s nothing wrong with promoting your own business.

Also when you are logged in to word press and writing a blog be sure to write it first in word or something similar to check grammar ect, but more importantly you will need to create tags and categories to improve your ranking and make sure to make these relevant to your intended audience.



As you can see mine are related to web design and the type of projects I produce, also look what your competitors are doing and try to improve on their blog posts or categories.

The best thing about using this method is that your categories or tags can be posted in the footer of every page of your site so people can see what you are posting about and the search engines can rank you because you are updating your blog post regularly.

Tags are also a great ay to improve your rankings as these also are a feature of WordPress and can help your users find the information you are posting about and can also be widget-ized to produce a “Tag Cloud” this is a great way of repeating the phrases that you would like to be found under.



As you can see here the more tags you have to the relevant information the better you need to be found and this is a fantastic way of doing it.There is another great tool in your kit with WordPress calling your blog post something that you can be found under  in this instance it is “Web design Ipswich” for my business but your business it will be something completely different like “gas engineer Ipswich”.

Search engines like these URLs because they usually have a good relevance to what the user is searching for and serch engines see these URLs like pages on a website.

WordPress is your friend when it comes to promoting your business because it comes with all these tools built in, but you have to make the effort to engage with the blog and put effort into seeing your website climb the rankings.

Good luck.




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