Working with new and upcoming companies, responsive web design bridges the boundary between the possible and impossible.
When it comes to web design we are the kings turning many old and dying websites into new breathing responsive sites where companies can showcase their talents through simple stunning web design.
Responsive web design have now made over fifty web sites in and around the Ipswich and Suffolk area and are proud to work with some fantastic clients including Rohrex,Ipswich electrical, SWY and many others.
As many of our clients understand we focus on the parallels between their business and the virtual world which has changed vastly since I completed my degree in 2009 with social media, social bookmarking, SEO, countless wire frames and content management systems how do we decipher which is best for our projects.
Here at RWD we have moved forward pulling away from the nitty gritty and embraced some of the code-less tools which make web design and development easier so we can focus more on the design and feel of a site and the interaction between the user and the conversion of the product no matter what it is.
We were one of the fist to build responsive websites back in 2009 seeing the benefits of having one site for all occasions but we also embraced other mobile technologies like JQM, Eclipse, Xcode and many other frameworks, we now normally build most of our sites in WordPress which has become the “GO TO GUY” for web design pros and novices because of the vast amount of support, plugins, themes, add ons, security and SEO goodies.
The technology within web design has gone at lighting speed and for the better, as responsive websites in their infancy were awkward and had lots of glitches with many sites not working properly on iPhone or windows or simple actions not firing because of browser incapability but now we have an array of tools and development suites to see these issues as we are developing them, reducing the debuging time helping us to do the simple things well so we can spend our time on better more complex problems.
So this is our tech prediction for the next two years more simple drag drop elements with voice recognition in websites, sharper images and more video, connected via social media.
Not only this but linking of voice services like Alexa and Google Now via geo tags and voice tags to make our sites more searchable.