Keep on moving up the ranks got a couple of sites ready to launch i have built Russel Douglass new website this site has integrated blog fully responsive web design with pricing pages as he is a GAS engineer it is something he required and a testimonials scroll for his customers to review his work.

I also built a portfolio page which will contain much of the latest installations he has carried out in the Ipswich area and the best slider in the business sequence.js which adds that bit of extra pzazz and wow factor to the customer.

I have also developed and enhanced the bootstrap menu system to incorporated one of the best html 5 menu systems to be responsive which is the most important thing.This all works within the blogging platform WordPress which is a massive bonus because of the endless SEO tools and plugins that the client can use although I would not advise touching the custom website template pages I have written anyway lets have a look at the site the menu system and go though the benefits of responsive web design within WordPress oh and the small downsides.

Responsive menu before click

Responsive menu before click

We can see the site here in normal browser view which is fine with the cool slider you will have to look at the live site to explore more of that but below we can see the media query adjusting the menu system to accommodate the smaller screen size.

Dropdown menu

Dropdown menu

Ignore the typos as the client has not given me the finished content yet but study the menu system which has hidden the original menu and produced a second menu on the top left hand corner and placed all of the content within the grid system in order.The media query has also adjusted the slider and the footer to accommodate the new screen resolution, lets have a look at the dropdown menu.

Responsive web techniques

Responsive web techniques

Awesome don’t you think now all that functionality within a website does have a cost not only in developing but because there is so much going on pages do take a little longer to load as WordPress needs time to load and all the scripts that do this fancy stuff have to be executed.

But the biggest fallback of responsive web design from a designers view is the actual design the menus can only be a certain way because that is what the framework allows although I am working on a side menu system to change it up a bit.

So thanks for reading and as soon as the client has given me the content I will deploy and put a link on here ok.

1 Comment
  1. tom 12 years ago

    Looks great that site you did well getting all that to work within wordpress.

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