Ok we are nearly there with responsive frame works and I have found a new one called amazium.co.uk this responsive framework is really new and I might have a crack at it because it allows of setting of the grids and by default goes for the widest screen at 1200px as compared to the 960px this is amazium.
This is totally cool because it allows for extra configuration of the content much more than bootstrap and offsetting is a dream with simple codes to offset the grids for extra flexibility.
There is also the option to show and hide images or blocks on the grid depending on your media quires this is also something new which I like again with the class hide or show on phone tablet or desktop wonderful.
Forms and tables are also dealt with in a really nice bundle and images are dealt with by the class=”max-img” which it seems does all the hard work for you by reducing the image I was using pretty photo for this previously,and video is dealt with using the media class so no more bother there.
This is a cool framework and I think the menu is quite snazzy so if you want to check it out amazium let me know what you think or any other responsive frame works you are using.