First responsive framework to try out
Right ok this is only my third blog but I have been using responsive frameworks for over a year now so would consider myself to know something about them.
Firstly lets explain for those who are in the dark that a responsive frame work is a collection of modules of code that will simplify the development of a website or application that will respond to the medium (ipad phone, ect) that the user wishes to view the content on.
Using these types of framework can greatly enhance the users experience when viewing a complex site via a mobile phone thus improving useability and improving the performance of the site.
I hope that’s all cleared up now the frameworks lets start with the big ones first and none comes bigger than Twitter bootstrap it is down to twitters success and knowledge that they have given back to the open source community with a comprehensive grid framework and responsive CSS library which has transformed how developers are building websites a great example of the government using open source frameworks is here if they are using it and it saves lots of time rewriting code that does the same job why not I am all for it.
Most of developers time is taken not only developing the applications but making sure it works in the dreaded internet explorer (which I believe is, and always will be useless) so why not let another larger company with the resources take the stress out of debugging the dog.
You could set about building your own responsive framework but I would suggest that if you want to live and eat you use a fame work like and save yourself a whole lot of heartache have a look here at the bootstrap way.
Great blog will be checking back soon for the remaining 4 anyone who dose not build their customers sites in this way now is insane all websites should be enabled for this,
good work